INCREASE sperm Count Naturally (diet and lifestyle)

According to World Health Organisation guidelines (WHO), a healthy sperm count is 15 million per millilitre (ml) or at least 39 million per sample.  Sperm count lower than 10 million per ml is Known to be abnormal and commonly associated with male infertility.

Natural ways to increase Sperm Count
Sperm Count totally Depends upon the lifestyle we choose, and the term "Lifestyle" includes many habits and manners we adopt for leading our life some of them are...


 Several studies shows that weight loss and exercise in obese and overweight  individuals can lead to improved or increased sperm counts. Physical training and good amount of sleep play a major role in sperm production. Practice of  "YOGA" aasanas can boost sperm count at a great extent.A good sleep of atleast 6 hours can help maintaing sperm health.


Any form of stress can cause the body to take defensive actions
and conserve energy. In times of distress, it makes biological sense for the body to become less concerned with reproduction and more focused on surviving.Stress is a big factor in spoiling the functionality if human brain and its functions.For men who are experiencing severe stress, a doctor may prescribe anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medications

Quit smoking and Alcohol consuption

2016 study revels the results of several studies with a total of nearly 6,000 participants found smoking consistently reduced sperm count.

The number of studies exploring the link between sperm health and drugs is limited given ethical considerations. 
Consumption of excess amount of drug or medication                                         can also affect sperm count in many ways

Diet plan to improve sperm count

Though supplements are considered a safe way to get the recommended daily intake of most vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, the body does not always easily absorb them.
Most studies suggest that eating foods rich in specific compounds and chemicals allows the body to use them more efficiently. So the best way to increase sperm count naturally may be to increase the consumption of foods high in sperm-friendly nutrients.
Foods high in sperm count-boosting nutrients include:
  • citrus fruits
  • Walnuts 
  • whole wheat and grains
  • Eggs 
  • most fish, especially wild salmon, cod, and haddock
  • most shellfish, especially oysters
  • vitamin D & milk and milk products
  • dark chocolate
  • garlic
  • bananas
  • broccoli
  • turmeric
  • asparagus
  • most leafy greens, especially spinach 
  • fermented nuts and seeds
Increase the intake of healthy fat and reduce the intake of unhealthy fat intaketrans fatty acids may impair the ability of long-chain polyunsaturated fats to incorporate into sperm membranes, a critical step in sperm development.

Get Enough Vitamin D and protein 

Vitamin D is some of the most essential nutrient that helps in production ofyour testosterone. Studys showes that vitamin D-deficient men are more likely to have low testosterone levels.
High quality protein recovers body more efficiently and helps in body hormonal production and enzymes production
Additionally, high vitamin D levels are linked to greater sperm motility, but the evidence is conflicting.

Take antioxidant-rich foods

Antioxidants help remove and deactivate free radicals and other compounds that damage cells. Many vitamins and minerals have shown to act as antioxidants, and several studies have linked antioxidant consumption with increased sperm count.
Antioxidants that may contribute to a healthy sperm count include:
  • selenium
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
  • vitamin E
  • glutathione
  • I-carnitine


Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, has long been used in traditional medicines as a remedy for several forms of sexual dysfunction. Which has many other benefits also including providing strength to body and enhancing its efficiency. 
Ashwagandha is Ayurvedic medicine or in health food.


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